Both landlords and tenants need to consider all possible issues that could lead to disputes regarding each party’s rights and obligations when challenging property tax assessments.
The National Association of Realtors (NAR), which represents more than 1 million Realtors, has agreed to eliminate its standard 6%sales commissions with home sellers.
The United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama ruled the Corporate Transparency Act unconstitutional. Compliance advised pending appeals.
The U.S. District Court invalidated Florida's Clean Water Act Section 404 assumption, shifting all permitting back to the Army Corps, causing delays and higher costs.
A subcommittee of the Orange County Charter Review suggests changes on rural boundaries and decision-making. Concerns are raised about economic effects and housing availability.
The Florida Legislature amends Live Local Act with SB 328, adding provisions for developments near airports, floor area ratio, height restrictions, parking, bonuses, variances, and exclusions.
HB 1053 proposes increasing distance between alcohol businesses and schools/religious centers in Florida, affecting real estate availability and expansion prospects for hospitality establishments.
Florida senior living facilities must apply for property tax exemptions by March 1, 2024. Various statutes provide exemptions based on facility type and services offered.
Florida bill HB 1053 proposes larger buffer zones for medical marijuana centers near schools.
The 2024 Florida Legislature is currently considering revisions to The Live Local Act via Senate Bill No. 328 and Florida House Bill No. 1239.
Mediation is a confidential process preceding court hearings, involves parties working with a mediator to resolve issues. While empowering, challenges exist in navigating family law matters.
Check out our blogs for the latest news and legal updates.
|Blog PostCryptocurrency, the fastest growing investment form, can impact assets in a divorce and should not be ignored in divorce proceedings.
Co-parenting considerations should always be taken into account when negotiating Parenting Plans in divorce or paternity matters.
The Corporate Transparency Act begins Jan 1, 2024, mandating entities to report beneficial ownership to FinCEN, aiming to combat financial crimes.
A Toronto property management company bans electric vehicles over lithium battery fire risks, sparking debates on landlord rights and the challenge of managing innovation and risk.
Florida's pilot program in Lee County, effective August 1, 2023, mandates government-issued photo ID for filing real estate deeds, enhancing security and combating property fraud.
The NLRB's final rule clarifies conditions for joint-employer status under the NLRA, providing guidance on recognizing two or more entities as joint employers.
The ERC program, part of Covid relief, allowed businesses to claim payroll tax credits. Misuse led to an IRS moratorium, but now a withdrawal process is available.
|Lowndes Taxing Times BlogStarting December 1, 2023, Florida lowers sales tax on commercial property leases from 5.5% to 4.5%, applicable to payments for occupancy periods beginning on or after that date.
SB 40, sponsored by Florida Senator Linda Stewart, proposes a new law mandating employers to furnish employees with a copy of their employment contract upon request.
Effective January 1, 2024, changes to Florida Statutes 695.26(1)(c) mandate including witness post office addresses on recorded documents; failure may result in rejection by recording clerks.
Commercial landlords in Florida may expose their properties to contractor liens through tenant work. State law provides protection, yet many landlords overlook it, risking their assets.
DH Form 432is crucial for unwed fathers in Florida, enabling official recognition as the child's biological parents in the presence of witnesses or a notary.
Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's divorce highlights custody issues. In Florida, parental relocation, changing the principal residence, is legally defined and subject to specific criteria.
Positive changes for developers and property owners as a corrective statute, effective October 1, 2023, addresses a court decision impacting local government policy on public hearing notices.
Silence on rent in a commercial lease renewal provision leads to the extension of all terms, including the expiring rental rate, as per Certified Motors, LLC v. Aventine Hill, LLC.
FinCEN's new rule, part of the Corporate Transparency Act, aims to boost transparency in various sectors, impacting real estate with increased scrutiny and administrative responsibilities.
The ERC program in Covid relief packages offered refundable payroll tax credits to eligible businesses, but misuse led to IRS warnings and a moratorium on processing claims.
|Lowndes Taxing Times BlogThe Corporate Transparency Act targets money laundering and terrorism financing by requiring businesses to report and update beneficial ownership information with FinCEN.
Senior Housing News highlights how AI enhances senior living. Examples include Alexa for social interaction and in-room sensors for real-time issue alerts.
The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) provided COVID relief to businesses in 2020 and 2021. Despite potential benefits, caution is advised due to risks, disclaimers, and potential IRS audits.
|Gray Area of the Law BlogPickleball's surge in popularity has created a shortage of facilities. Opening your own requires navigating legal complexities. This article outlines key legal considerations.
Hurricane Idalia underscores the importance of assessing "force majeure" clauses in contracts, enabling relief from obligations due to hurricane-related disruptions and unforeseen events.
Effective September 30, 2023, the minimum wage in Florida will increase to $12.00 per hour, and the tipped minimum wage in Florida will increase to $8.98 per hour.
Applicants seeking a prized liquor license in Florida's 2023 lottery can enter for $100. The drawing, which will be held in 2024, offers 89 licenses across 30 counties.
- All Eyes on Oher: The Crucial Role of Quality Legal Counsel for Proposed Wards in Guardianship Cases
Retired NFL star Michael Oher claims he was misled into a conservatorship, thinking it was adoption. The case underscores the need for legal guidance in guardianship matters.
The latest updates and insights on Florida's Live Local Act.
Inflation Reduction Act created Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program, offering solar/wind facilities with IRS special allocations up to 20% additional tax credits.
|Lowndes Taxing Times BlogIn triple net office leases, a "gross-up" provision helps landlords estimate operating costs at full occupancy, allowing them to charge tenants based on higher, normalized expenses.
Revised Florida statutes, effective July 1, 2023, impact landlords minimally. Property owners retain the right to designate their premises as "gun-free zones."
In this episode of “Lowndes Client Corner,” Shareholder Stephen Thomas talks with Dr. William J. Mallon about his latest invention, The Grail, a putting training aid for novice and pro golfers.
A survey by the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care shows improved staffing trends, declining shortages, increased full-time vacancies filled, and rising occupancy rates.
Stephen Thomas discusses Dr. Mallon's game-changing putting tool, revolutionizing golf for enthusiasts at all skill levels.
Recent legislation revised Florida's restaurant alcohol licensing criteria, allowing smaller establishments to qualify for full-service liquor licenses more easily.
Flipping property for profit in Florida's rising land market involves contract clauses, tax implications, and simultaneous closings, requiring careful consideration.
Florida's Senate Bill 250, effective July 1, 2023, extends emergency order tolling periods for development permits, authorizations, retroactive from Sept. 28, 2022.
Billboard leases offer mutual benefits but require careful consideration of ownership, rights, advertisement type, and legal aspects for clarity and protection.
Governor DeSantis signed a bill on June 30, 2023, amending Florida's alimony laws, eliminating "permanent" alimony and imposing restrictions on "durational" alimony.