Austin SimmonsPRINCIPAL |
Austin Simmons is a Principal at Brightwork Real Estate, a Florida-based development and acquisition company.
Describe your current role.
I am the co-founder and principal of Brightwork Real Estate. We develop and own retail properties throughout the country.
What have been some of the biggest challenges or opportunities you’ve found in your current role?
The day-to-day management of the business and the people. Making deals is easy compared to managing people.
What is one of the most interesting projects on which you’ve worked?
We bought the former West Palm Beach municipal dump, created a brownfield and ultimately redeveloped the property into multiple projects. I learned so much about the intersection of environmental remediation and real estate development.
What do you think is the key to success in your current role?
I love to collaborate and I’m not afraid to ask people for help.
Describe your time with Lowndes.
I joined Lowndes in the Summer of 1993 after graduating from the University of Florida Levin College of Law. Happily, I met and married our national title coordinator while at the firm and moved to away to Tampa in 1997. My rotations as an associate included litigation and real estate/banking.
How did your time at Lowndes prepare you for future steps in your career?
Every day I use some part of my experience at Lowndes in my business life. At the firm, I was surrounded by the brightest and best people who taught me how to work hard and think critically. The firm valued really teaching the new associates, and I was a lucky fortunate beneficiary of that wisdom. My specific involvement with the firm’s banking and real estate work is an invaluable part of my business today.
What is the best career advice you ever received?
Always believe you are going to succeed.
Who inspires you?
My children amaze me every day.
What hobbies/activities do you enjoy when you’re not working?
Fishing, running, playing guitar and laughing with my wife and children.